
Scam Week 2022

Scams Awareness Week 2022 takes place 7-11 November.

Protect yourself from data breaches

Hackers are targeting large Australian businesses and successfully accessing large sets of personal data belonging to millions of Australians.

New ticket reselling information standard

The Australian Government has introduced a new event ticket reselling standard from 1 October 2022, which will help consumers make informed decisions when purchasing event tickets.

Tricks and treats to ensure a safe and spook-tacular Halloween

Halloween has become increasingly popular in Australia with many people using the occasion to dress up, decorate their house, and go trick or treating.

Cross Border Collaboration

The Chair of the Consumer Ministers Network, Andrea Michaels MP, South Australian Minister for Consumer Affairs, outlines the outcomes of a recent Consumer Minister Network meeting in her Media Release.

Fuel excise cut ends

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) advises that from 29 September 2022, the full fuel excise will be reinstated resulting in an extra 25.3 cents per litre in taxes, and reminds consumers that significant savings can be made by shopping around for the best price available and by timing their purchases.

New advice about the LG ESS Battery Recall

Energy Storage System (ESS) Home Batteries are installed as part of a residential energy solar system which allows owners to capture and store energy from solar panels. It is important that all Territorians check their home batteries to see if their system uses one of the batteries under recall.

Update on rental tenancy changes due to COVID-19

Transitional arrangements for residential tenancies will be in place after the Declaration of Public Health Emergency has ceased.

Your First Steps – baby product safety resource

Preparing for the arrival of your baby can be an exciting time, but it can be difficult for parents and carers to know what is really important when choosing products for your baby.

New Scam Posters developed for Aboriginal Territorians

NT Consumer Affairs developed posters to highlight the dangers of scams and how to identify and avoid being scammed for people in remote and regional Northern Territory.