Consumer conciliation request

Please read this information carefully as it details actions that must be taken BEFORE submitting a Consumer Conciliation Request.

Before you lodge a Consumer Conciliation Request (Complaint Form) you MUST:

  • Try to resolve the problem by talking directly with the trader. Explain the problem and offer solutions that will satisfy you.
  • If you are not successful, put the problem and your solutions in writing to the trader (addressed to the manager) and ask for a written response within a reasonable time limit.
  • Keep a copy of all correspondence as this becomes part of the evidence in the Consumer Conciliation Request process.
  • If you are not happy with the response, or there is no response at all, then you can submit an official complaint.
  • Have some form of proof of your purchase. It can be a receipt, invoice or bank statement that clearly details the purchase.

When you lodge a Consumer Conciliation Request (CCR) with NT Consumer Affairs, you MUST provide the following to ensure your CCR can be fully assessed:

  • Proof of purchase e.g. receipt, invoice, credit card statement or bank statement.
  • Copy of any correspondence with the trader including written letters, emails and text messages.
  • Photos of the problem if applicable.
  • If the purchase was online, copies of the advertisement or page where the goods were listed
  • If the goods were purchased from a catalogue, provide a copy of the catalogue.
  • If a contract was involved, provide a copy including any terms and conditions.

NT Consumer Affairs can only provide conciliation services if you have made every effort to resolve the problem with the trader, and the trader has refused to provide redress.
When you contact the trader, make sure you advise them what the problem is, and what you require them to do. Remember, always keep calm, as you are more likely to resolve matters if you do not lose your temper.

To lodge a Consumer Conciliation Request to resolve a dispute with a trader, you can either submit the following form by mail, email or in person to NT Consumer Affairs:

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Last Updated:
06 May 2022

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