Feedback requested for mandatory country of origin labelling (CoOL) for seafood sold in hospitality settings
The Australian Government is introducing mandatory country of origin labelling (CoOL) for seafood sold in hospitality settings. This will help consumers identify where seafood sold in restaurants and takeaway outlets originated from. Country or origin labelling is a common sight in our supermarkets and grocery stores, however hospitality venues are currently exempt.
The government wants your feedback on a proposed model for mandatory CoOL for seafood in hospitality settings. Under this model businesses will need to provide information on whether seafood is Australian, imported/international or from mixed sources.
You can respond by answering the survey questions, uploading a written submission, or submitting a video or audio recording. Your feedback will help refine the proposed model and inform future labelling rules.
Learn more and have your say:
This consultation on mandatory CoOL for seafood in hospitality closes 15 March 2023.