Motor vehicles
Buying a motor vehicle is one of the biggest financial decisions you will make as a consumer. Unfortunately some people are impulse buyers and do not research their purchase beforehand.
The fact sheets and brochures below provide advice on making an informed purchase and ensuring you purchase that’s best for you.
- Buying a Used Motor Vehicle PDF (596.6 KB)
- Buying a New Motor Vehicle PDF (237.0 KB)
- Tips for Signing a Contract PDF (251.7 KB)
- Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) - formerly REVS, a service which can tell you if there is money owing on a motor vehicle you are thinking of buying.
Vehicle owners will very likely require the services of a motor vehicle repairer at some time. The following fact sheets explain how you can improve the likelihood of a satisfactory outcome, as well as explaining the importance of getting a written quote before repairs are conducted.
Last Updated:
14 Aug 2024