Complaints and disputes
Where disputes arise in the relationship between traders and consumers, Fair Trading officers can often assist in resolving the dispute by providing a conciliation service.
The Factsheets, Forms and letters below provide some important advice on resolving disputes and samples for you to use.
If after reviewing the information you wish to proceed to make a formal complaint to Consumer Affairs select the 'Consumer Conciliation Request' below.
IMPORTANT: Please read carefully the information provided on the form before completing the form as it may determine whether Consumer Affairs is able to assist. Please ensure you provide all the requested information so that we can action the complaint.
- Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Act 1990
- Consumer Complaints and Disputes PDF (301.9 KB)
- Consumer Conciliation Request - pdf PDF (428.0 KB) | word DOCX (461.6 KB)
- Dispute with Business? A consumer guide to finding help PDF (583.8 KB)
- Sample Letter requesting a remedy for faulty goods - pdf PDF (37.8 KB) | word DOC (38.5 KB)
- Sample Letter requesting a remedy for a service - pdf PDF (35.6 KB) | word DOC (38.0 KB)
- Compliance and Enforcement PDF (333.4 KB)
- Repair, replace, refund pamphlet PDF (540.6 KB)
Other Avenues for Complaints
Some specific consumer issues are the responsibility of a particular agency. NT Consumer Affairs will be able to refer your enquiry to these agencies if it is clear that your enquiry is a matter for them.
National Consumer Protection Agencies
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
The ACCC has national responsibilities for competition, fair trading and consumer protection. The ACCC can provide information about your consumer rights and can investigate complaints about breaches of these rights. Ph: 1300 302 502 or
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
ASIC deals with complaints relating to a financial product or service, such as banking, investment, credit or insurance. 1300 300 630 or
Other Organisations
Financial Services - Banking, Credit and Insurance
Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
1800 931 678
You can get free and independent dispute resolution for financial complaints.
Food Labelling
Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Food Safety
Environmental Health
1800 095 646
Health Services
Health & Community Services Complaints Commission
1800 004 474
Internet and Telecommunications
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman
1800 062 058
Postal Services
Commonwealth Ombudsman
1300 362 072
Power and Water
Northern Territory Ombudsman
1800 806 380
Northern Territory Office of the Information Commissioner
1800 005 610 / 8999 1500
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
1300 363 992
Product Safety
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
1300 302 502
Property Agents Licensing
Occupational Licensing & Associations
1800 193 111
Anti-Scam Centre
Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)
Australian Communications and Media Authority (Do Not Call Register)
1300 792 958
Tenancy (legal)
Darwin Community Legal Services (Tenants’ Advice Service)
1800 812 953
Weights and Measures
National Measurement Institute
1300 686 664