The lease term

IMPORTANT NOTICE: There has been important temporary changes to both the Residential Tenancies Act 1999 and the Business Tenancies (Fair Dealings) Act 2003 that may impact the advice and information provided on this page.

It is important that you first read a full explanation of these changes before you read or download information from this page. The new changes can be found here. If you need help determining how these changes affect your personal circumstances, please don’t hesitate to give us a call on (08) 8999 1999 or 1800 019 319.

A lease (residential tenancy agreement) will usually be valid for a specified period of time and this will be noted on the lease itself. This period can be 3, 6, 12 months or longer and is called the fixed term of the lease. Once the fixed term ends the tenancy itself continues and it becomes a continuing or periodic agreement. If you choose to stay in the place under a continuing or periodic agreement you must still abide by the terms and conditions of the lease.

In the Northern Territory, under a periodic tenancy, a tenant can give 14 days notice in writing to leave the property without stipulating a reason. A landlord can give a tenant 42 days notice in writing requesting the tenant leave the property without stipulating a reason.

To terminate a tenancy at the end of a fixed term, the tenant or landlord may give 14 days notice in writing. A tenancy may be terminated during the fixed term if either party does the wrong thing under the lease agreement.

For further information you can call Consumer Affairs on 1800 019 319.

Last Updated:
31 Aug 2021

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